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Pro anorexia Eating Disorders

There is a disturbing trend toward the popularity of eating disorders. Groups, forums and sites have been set up to support food-borne illnesses as if they were a cultural option rather than a deadly disease. "pro ana" (Pro Kushoshiya) and "Pro Mia" (Pro Bulimia) are on the Internet, they want to catch the hands of hungry people and help them maintain the power to die from death. This is a scary thought, but it is out there.

Why are there such places anyway? Who in their right mind would think it's okay to advertise a disease as if it were something good instead of an evil one? It doesn't matter how little it understands. What is important is that they exist and are only harming hundreds of people, if not thousands, just by preventing them from seeking treatment.

One strange element of these support groups is that anorexia and bulimia are referred to as personal. I guess it makes the disease less visible and more fun for women.

The biggest risk to eating disorders is that they give anorexia and bulimia a good idea. They do not encourage people to seek help for a problem. Instead, they advocate hunger, vomiting, laxatives, and excessive exercise. When impressionist minds see it as an option rather than a disease, they can "rebel" against the status quo without realizing that there is something they should fear.

If you have an eating disorder and are associated with the types of groups discussed here, take a step back and keep in mind that you do not have to be a beautiful person and someone who really You care They want me to survive. And be healthy you might think this is your choice. This is not the only real option for you whether you die from an eating disorder or if you fight against it and survive.

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